An error when install perl module: GD
Circos is a very useful data visualization tool for genome or other genetic data. However, installing circos process is not easy for a bioinofmatics beginner or person without much coding knowledge. Circos depends many perl modules, like:
- Carp
- Clone
- Config::General
- Cwd
- Data::Dumper
- Digest::MD5
- File::Basename
- File::Spec::Functions
- File::Temp
- FindBin
- Font::TTF::Font
- GD
- GD::Polyline
- Getopt::Long
- IO::File
- List::MoreUtils
- List::Util
- Math::Bezier
- Math::BigFloat
- Math::Round
- Math::VecStat
- Memoize
- Params::Validate
- Pod::Usage
- Readonly
- Regexp::Common
- Set::IntSpan
- Statistics::Basic
- Storable
- Sys::Hostname
- Text::Balanced
- Text::Format
- Time::HiRes
P.S. recommend to install Params::Validate
last one.
fortunately, most of above can be install by cpan, but GD failed lots of time. everytime error like this:
1 | Package gdlib was not found in the pkg-config search path. |
because GD module depends libgd, libgd is an open source code library for the dynamic creation of images by programmers. you must install it first.
see more: libgd
1 | wget |
if you are not root, or you just want install for yourself, you need install add -prefix=
1 | ./configure -prefix=/home/yourname/local |
then, you can use cpan to insall GD module.
- Title: An error when install perl module: GD
- Author: Chentao Yang
- Created at : 2018-08-15 14:58:12
- Updated at : 2023-10-25 11:56:14
- Link:
- License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.