Hackathon, it sounds cool!就在这周一,我和另外三个小组成员完成了我们第一次Hackathon活动体验,说实话,在最初听到这个词的时候,觉得非常棒,这种团队成员通力合作,在短时间内完成一项挑战真的是一件让人兴奋的事情。专门查了一下这个词的由来,原来这是广大码农的一个传统啊,竟然之前没有发现。 编程马拉松(英语:hackathon,又译为黑客松),又称黑客日(hack... -
I buy a domain name for my blog
You may find that my blog is redirected to a new domain name “comery.cn”, this is the first step to make my own website! really looking forward it! -
Set a flag for 2019
2019年的目标: 语言考试,申请学校 3篇文章发表(SE400, moth, fungi) 系统学习进化方面的理论,以著名的学者以及他们的理论作为线索,整理出系列文章 自己开发一个扩增子聚类软件和一个简单的组装软件 入门机器学习和熟练掌握Python的可视化工具 自己开发网站(comery.cn) 坚持每周至少有一篇的博客产出 完整的学习英语写作的经典书籍《Writing Science... -
compare three methods to parse fasta using python
- replace()
- dictionary
- transtable()
A guide to volleyball beginner
Mitochondrioal genome assembly appraches
Mitochondrioal genome assembly apprachesSOAPdenovo-Translinkhttps://github.com/aquaskyline/SOAPdenovo-Trans example1234SOAPdenovo-Trans-127mer pregraph -s assembly.lib -K 61 -o out -n -i 10SOAPde... -
Get Wikipedia page using python
I got a long list of animals, about 9000, and I need to figure out where each animal lives, specially whether lives in Africa. Unfortunately, there is no one database containing this kind information, all website I can got from internet is something like common knowledge other than a scientific list. Finally, I realized I forget a powful tool - wikipedia, but how to make it? I can not search them one by one, it must kill me. wait, I can code to solve this problem, come on, I am a bioinformatican.
[BUG]-diamond of parsering xml result
Parse error for this part of the blast XML document: Error on line 1042356: The entity name must immediately follow the ‘&’ in the entity reference.
When I use diamond replacing blast to search NR database, the result with xml format can’t be parsed by blast2GO. Aftering see this page, I got it soloved.